Our collection

The Plant Collector nursery stocks a curated collection of over 100,00 trees, perennial plants, shrubs, climbers and domes displayed in a beautiful, garden-like setting. All our plants in stock have been individually picked due to their maturity, unique characteristics or excellent performance in Irish weather.

We source our largest trees from the best growers in Europe, as well as production areas throughout the nursery to grow our own plants.

We currently have in stock mature trees up to 6m tall and as old as 70 years old. However, we also sell smaller and medium trees, shrubs, grasses and perennials.

visit us

Stacumny Lane,
Celbridge, Co. Kildare
W23 HN6Y

Mon - Sat, 9am - 5pm
Sundays & Bank Holidays 10am - 5pm

Mon - Sat, 9am - 4pm
Sundays & Bank Holidays 10am - 4pm

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