Backdoor privacy in a residential property

Sometimes, residential privacy issues can't be resolved with a built solution due to planning constraints. However, this doesn't mean the problem has to go unresolved, it just means you have to be innovative in finding the right solution.

The location of residential privacy issues can vary – sometimes it's from a busy road, from boundary walls or even from a side window or back door.

The team at Outlook Gardens recently helped a homeowner in Dublin who needed to shield the neighbouring view into their home at the back of the house, but did not want to tear down or alter the beautiful, old stone boundary wall between the two properties.

The process

1. The Problem

Our client had contacted us because of a privacy issue with their back door being overlooked by neighbours.

backdoor privacy problem

2. The Solution

We sourced a multi-stem tree from Belgium, with open branching so we could retain the stone wall.

backdoor privacy solution

3. Landscaping

We built a secure base, surrounded by a new secluded terrace for the homeowner to enjoy.

landscaping for backdoor privacy

4. Planting

Our experienced horticulturists carefully planted the tree, ensuring the right soil conditions.

tree for backdoor privacy

5. Outcome

Natural privacy now flows through the homeowners backdoor.

tree for backdoor privacy

6. Added value

The homeowner now has a new secluded terrace and retained their existing stone wall.

tree for backdoor privacy

Contact us

Looking to increasy the privacy of your back door? Contact us about your privacy needs & we'll help you achieve the best screening solution.

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